The Bounce Back
Hey Folks, It's been a long time. Since the last time I wrote, a lot has happened which kind of put me off track from writing these snippets and my all-time favorite activity "reading". But, as the saying goes "better late than never", right? A small sneak-peek on the wearing off, I came in a fair good contact with a chaotic but happy working system. I landed a job with an awesome human being and a great mentor. And not to mention, my wonderful teammates. I know what you guys are thinking, come on, work and happiness, who are you kidding? But, trust me it is the passion project I always wanted to do. So, in the process of getting into the grind, I had far less time to dedicate to this. Anyway, I'm planning to continue and make time for this and hope this to be there for the long haul. Coming onto the book that I read recently, it was nothing but a light-hearted one which I apparently ordered half asleep. The order got placed and I knew about it when I got ...